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What You Need To Know About Descaling Sewer Lines!

Often at Aztec Plumbing & Drains you will hear us talk about descaling sewer lines. Descaling sewer lines is the process of removing build up of scale caused by aging cast iron sewer lines. Cast iron sewer lines are typically found in houses built from the 1950s to the 1980s and can be pretty high maintenance if not taken care of properly.

Over the years flakes from the cast iron can break off into the sewer line from use. The scale (pieces that have broken off) accumulates overtime which eventually creates an obstruction in the line and catches paper products as they go by. The more paper products it catches, the bigger chance for blockage. For older homes, descaling should be a priority to help prevent blockages in your home and prevent homeowners from having to replace the whole line.

descaling sewer lines

When homeowners contact a typical plumbing service about a block in their sewer line the usual response for most plumbers is to use a snake to clear the line. This only solves a temporary problem and can cause for scale to build up again. To properly clear the lines completely they need to be descaled. Descaling is the process of taking water under pressure to remove debris. Our drain clearing experts would be able to detect this issue and get the job done from A to Z.

Here at Aztec Plumbing & Drains, our Drain Clearing Experts are trained specifically for jobs like descaling. When it comes to scaling, the descaling process is the best option for any homeowner. Descaling is a large project, this cast iron scale was removed during a six hour descaling process. The cast iron lines are now clean and the customer avoided the expense of replacing the line thanks to our drain clearing experts. Whenever Aztec has a job to do, we make sure we do it thoroughly no matter how long it takes. Aztec Plumbing & Drains has got you covered from A to Z!

Learn More About Sewers:


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